Home » Uncategorized » Reports out on Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama press release. Tongan Navy accused of picking Mara up one mile off Kadavu. Mara now accused of “involvement in a missing $3million”.

Reports out on Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama press release. Tongan Navy accused of picking Mara up one mile off Kadavu. Mara now accused of “involvement in a missing $3million”.

Ratu Tevita is a fugitive: PM


Royal Fiji Military Force (RFMF) chief of staff Lieutenant Colonel Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara has been declared a fugitive under the Extradition Act by Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama after he tried to flee the country bound for Tonga.

And apart from the charges of sedition Mara faces, Commodore Bainimarama said investigations have revealed his involvement in the unaccounted $3million from Fiji Pine Trust.

In a press conference late this afternoon, Commodore Bainimarama confirmed an illegal extraction of Ratu Tevita by the Royal Tongan Navy Patrol Boat, Savea that took place one nautical mile North West of cape Washington in Kadavu earlier this week.

“Preliminary investigations nullify the claims of a search and rescue mission off Southern Ono-i-Lau, however we can confirm that the illegal extraction of Ratu Tevita took place.”

“I intend to communicate with the Tongan Prime Minister within the next 24 hours about these breaches,” he said.

He said Ratu Tevita failed to surrender his passport after his appearance in court on May 4, and did not report to police on Friday as ordered by the court thus breaching his bail conditions.

“His fleeing Fiji now makes him a fugitive under the Extraction Act. The DPP (Director of Public Prosecution) will present various documentation to the courts tomorrow morning to commence extradition of this fugitive.”

Bainimarama labeled Mara’s act as “despicable” and said that Police have commenced with their investigations to find people who may have aided Mara in his escape.

“In this respect the Commissioner of Police has already commenced investigations to find out who facilitated the fleeing of an accused person and conspired to breach Fiji’s sovereignty.”

“This is unfortunate and shows a fundamental disloyalty to Fiji, Fijian laws and the Fijian people.”

Meanwhile, the PM said government intends to maintain their long harmonious relationship with Tonga.

Ratu Uluilakeba Mara, the youngest son of former Fiji Prime Minister and President, the late Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, was named Land Force chief of staff on February 3 in 2006, succeeding Colonel Meli Saubulinayau, a close relative of his.

This position is the fourth highest in the RFMF, behind that of the Military Commander Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama.

By Repeka Nasiko and Farzana Nisha

Full Release  (Thanks to 4.5)   http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&key=f1e05a22a764967b25713aadbe0e1bc6&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.coupfourandahalf.com%2F&v=1&libid=1305442076191&out=http%3A%2F%2Fdw3.convertfiles.com%2Ffiles%2F0332581001305440318%2Frecording%2520%25281%2529.mp3&ref=http%3A%2F%2Ffijitoday.wordpress.com%2F&title=%3CCoupfourpointfive%3E&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fdw3.convertfiles.com%2Ffiles%2F0332581001305440318%2Frecording%2520%25281%2529.mp3

TVNZ Reports  “Military tension in the Pacific is raising fears of a conflict between Fiji and Tonga.”


Pacific Crisis


After a day of severe media censorship in which Fiji media were unable to report the story, Bainimarama went on the nation’s airwaves to say that Mara had fled to Tonga.

He said the Fijian government had taken strong exception to the breach of its sovereignty and intended to talk to Tonga.

Bainimarama seeks to extradite Fiji army officer


Fiji wants answers on Mara “extraction” to Tonga


40 thoughts on “Reports out on Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama press release. Tongan Navy accused of picking Mara up one mile off Kadavu. Mara now accused of “involvement in a missing $3million”.

  1. Ratu Mara is not a fugitive but a protected person under international law- a refugee, he cant be sent back to Fiji and tonga must protect him. Who is the dictator – no school and no chief but a thug who wants to gail Ratu Mara-watch and see what happens when all the chiefs will gang up and get rid of this crook-see who is standing beside the dictator in the press conference-2 stooges who are powerless to the coup yet to come

  2. With a little bit of luck the Tongan navy will do Viti another great service and repatriate that other Tongan fraud Nailatikau. Kubuna more than happy to pay for 2 one tickets to Kadavu.

  3. It is amazing that 2 days ago the moronic military in Fiji had no idea about mara hopping in a tinnie and heading out to sea.

    Now the deck hand claims that it knows exactly where it happened; what nonsense.

    It is noted that there was not one word about mara’s use of words in the video; dicktatorship, megalomaniac, cruelty. All so very true.

  4. The 2 tavele of mara out to get the dictator and they will do it with the other chiefs and instructions issued by mara and driti to the camp boys, too much for the dictator to handle-he can bark as much as he likes, lost of people out to help mara in tonga and all shall be revealved of the crooks

  5. Hmm .. sadly the dollar buys people’s loyalties in Fiji now …. end of story .

    There are no more good cowboys.

  6. Are they death rattles we can hear? Or is bhaini-gaddafi’s pacemaker low on batteries?
    Or it might be the shaking bones of the illegal military police commissioner – fear written all over his face as he stood next to the deranged dictator? He had better make up his mind whether he supports a free Fiji or not in the next 24 hours?

  7. My my calling names will not help you Baini. Talking about the laws of Fiji and the Fijian people- which people – sega nomu tamata! All we are now watching is the crumbling away of your candy house! Little by little! Day by day! The foundation is crumbling away. Sa rauta mada na vesumona!

  8. $3m? Oh, that’s rich. Compare that to the consistent, compulsive theft of our national resources – material, fiscal, mineral and economic – that this illegal regime has indulged in ever since they took the reins from a government that had made enormous headway for Fiji. They have never answered the question of what happened to our UN embassy in New York. How can a property in Manhattan suddenly disappear off the books? When iArse is involved, it seems almost anything is possible on paper. And then reality hits – as it is doing now – and comes to bite him on his own (i)Arse. Come on you officers and soldiers – real soldiers of Fiji. Stand up against the pretenders and deliver them to justice. Take us back to FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS.
    Tabu soro.
    God bless Fiji

  9. bananasinpyjamas went on to accuse mara of also committing the following crimes under the soon to be released ‘help for the treasonous’ decree;

    farting in public

    failing to bow to a picture of the dicktator

    using a tinnie without a license

    breathing Fiji air without permission

    failing to acknowledge the great work done to ruin the economy


    the most heinous crime is to not acknowledge the extra pay that the military was given whilst the people starved.

  10. $3m bullshit of the dictator to try to criminalize Ratu Mara, like he has been trying to do all SDL people and anti junta figures, just look at his face in the media photo-shows a frightened man who has lost it blood pressure and diabeties of his must be sky high risk of another major stroke/china treatment. Ratu mara is no fool and his 2 tavele and hundreds of solders will finish the junta

  11. It is noted that on TV, bananasinpyjamas was barely audible as he read what the puppet master, hairyarse, wrote.

    Perhaps he was embarrassed to read it but, more likely, he was shaking with fear of the consequences of mara spilling the beans on the corruption and violence in the jaundiced junta.

    marebek and his missus in Egypt have both had heart attacks recently as they come under pressure; your turn tonight bananas.

  12. Ha! Ha! Baini calling accusing Mara of being a fugitive and labeling his action as despicable.Baini should look at himself in the mirror.Like, commiting a coup or disregarding the decision of the High Court was less evil.Good on you Mara,a daring piece of drama on the high seas that can make a good movie later.On board a fibreglass boat powered by a 300 hp engine,spending a night at Nagigia resort near Nabukelevuira village.Checked in wearing a hood and sunglass and not recognised by anyone.Remained in his bure all the time and asked for his food to be brought to him there.Next day the same boat arrived to pick him and headed out to sea again in the direction of Ceva i ra island.Along the way he was picked up by the Tongan navy vessel.
    Now he’s a refugee and Tonga is obliged by international law to protect him.

  13. Voro barks like a mad dog , mara is political refugee and protected under international law and voro can do nothing, international media is on its way to tonga and mara to expose all, that there was no clean up campaign but voro changed course and filled his pokects and his cohorts and all the corruption, he will tell the truth and the world will listen and believe him and also his boys in the army will do the coup-how many men can voro get rid off -either he dies from another stroke or the solders will arrest him for naboro- he aint GOD which he is playing-time is up

  14. @Achie

    I suspected as much, it was too smooth to be an accident. The question however is what Vore can about it…and I guess the answer is evident…he can do fark all.

  15. Apparently my fellow Colonel is one of the RFMF officers who still has a set of balls dangling between his legs. And what an embarrassment for our cassava patch hero! Now he screams like a stuck pig while Mara prepares for a “debriefing” with the international community. My only hope is that a few more soldiers discover their manhood soon and kick Aiyaz and his pathetic puppet out of the country. Let them go to China, let them join the other Dear Leader in Korea.

  16. Bainimarama is sounding more and more like a shrieking hysterical mynah bird, which is a strange sound for a monkey hand puppet to make? If he keeps going like this he will be writing emotive claptrack garbage of how he is the disturbed victim in lord haw haw’s cow dung blog!!

  17. You live by the sword and you die by the sword.
    Mara is finished too.
    Cant go back and will also be charged with treason and human rights abuses once sanity is restored in Fiji.
    He should have lead a rebellion while CO of 3FIR. Now he is the same as Baledrokadroka – guilty men barking from the outside to save themselves from prosecution later.
    Cant work because copies of murder investigations from 2000 to now are held outside Fiji and will commence once democracy is restored.
    Moce Jo – meanwhile rau veivutu tiko beka evei o the Max kei Semi Meo????

  18. Running away proves Mara’s guilt !1

    No sympathy for an absconding fugutive from law.

  19. bbb

    which law are you talking about?

    Surely you green goons are not still thinking that hairyarse’s decrees are legal?

    No womder Fiji is in so much despair.

  20. Yes, the bloated angry face we saw on the TV on Sunday nights tells it all…the end is near….he’s already pissing his pants as his once close associates are deserting him. The alleged $3 million fraud by Mara is only a smokescreen….what about the thousands of dollars he has spent on his useless overseas trips with his equally bloated wife (having lived on the cream of Fiji’s dwindling resources for the last 4 yrs.) to look for a safe haven for him and his family when the end comes! If the Kadavu pickup by the Tongan navy was true, then the questions should be asked of the whereabouts of his murderer brother-in-law’s navy patrols? Are they only good at chasing the poor fishermen and women of Macuata who were trying to survive the impact of Baini’s doing? The truth hurts!…or maybe the boys in the navy are beginning to see the truth behind the coup and have taught themselves to look the other way when the Tongan navy came in for the rescue! Dooms day is near for Baini and his illegal regime.

  21. Hey small people, do not delude yourself. Tonga has more to lose than Fiji in this case. Tevita Mara is only embarrassing himself and his family back in Fiji for what he did. He is also embarrassing the Tongan government. Why didn’t he stand up like a man or soldier and defend himself in Fiji.

  22. Poor pepsi max is so used to following orders as a green goon that he can’t think for himself.

    How do you ‘defend’ yourself in Fiji when the courts are corrupt, there is no working set of rules [ constitution ] and the police are useless?

    It is a shame pepsi that you can’t see the light and do a mara and tell us all about your miserable existence in the moronic military media malaise.

  23. @ The Max:

    surely u dont think Mara, Driti, Chaudhry or Qarase will get a fair trial in Fiji under our compromised judiciary which is daily being influenced by the former judge Shameem?
    It’s better to abscond now and face the music later under a democratic system with the independence of the judiciary fully restored.

  24. Its a sad indictment of Fijian culture and traditions that Fijians continue to present their traditional apologies to Bainikaiyum ie matanigasau.
    Last weeked it was Qoma village in Tailevu.
    Given this, overseas bloggers may be out of touch with the reality in Fijjian villages ie life goes on and who gives a heck!!!
    Ratu rala and Kisoko are doing good propaganda work.
    The Max – me yaga nomu bula vakamatei voreqe ke sega vana na matamu ena dua na dakai da.

  25. Jone Wai

    Me dua ga na kemu yaga taura nomu tavaya waiwai lai masia nomu dakai. Sega ni rauti kemuni na tamata qavokavoka lalai na veitalanoa i ke.

  26. Row, row, row your boat…..where were the murderer Keane and his navy pussies when the Tongan navy were rescuing Ratu Mara under their noses…..were they drunk on grog or playing Back Door Benny Naliva games with each other? The Fiji military is rapidly becoming an international joke under the so called leadership of khaiyums little bloated ‘hand puppet’ Bhaini.

  27. Max
    na ka ni cakava tu qori e veisiga – vakalusi lavo keina masi dakai !!!! ie nil economic productivity n just using tax payers money!
    kuria na lasa tuba, qito macawa, mateni keina gunu yaqona sivia kana sivia,,,,sa rauta mo ni mate tiko e veimacawa.
    Ni da raica na i taba kei Voreqe kei ira nomu liuliu sa vaka na vuaka na kedra levulevu.
    Ya gona na levu ni butako luveni setani.
    Dou butako tutu, butako kakana, butako lavo, butako yaya dou qai tamata lasulasu ,,,,,,,,ie raturala n kisoko.
    No guts to stand in elections but use guns on unarmed civilians, yali ga na dakai tu na sona!
    Sa ra matanigasau tale vei kemudou mai nakoro ena levu ni nomudou lasu keina vesu mona ie bribery thru development and hiding the truth.
    Dodoka nomu dakai, vanai Bainikayum mo yaga vei Viti the Max.
    Ke sega, ona vesu, musu nomu polo, qai cici luva wale mai Suva ki Nausori ,,,,,
    Tamata bocil lailai sucu ena noa bokola ,,,,kena , rairai e vutuki iko tiko o Kaiyum kei Semi Meo.
    Wilika na reports nei Wadan narsey me bau tawa na nomu qavokavoka lala qori.

  28. Jone Wai

    O Wardan Narsey e academic wale ga, full of theory and no practice. Sa discredit taki koya oti o PS Finance Fili Waqabaca. Tovolea mada mo sarava na i yaloyalo Zeitgeist. Sarava tolutolu mo bau kila ka ena nodra sega ni yaga na economists. Levu ga na assumptions and their assumptions are made to justify their theory/ideology. Qori na link au sa solia yani qori mo bau kila ka kina:


    Kakua sara ni nanuma niu sotia baleta au dua ga na lewe ni vanua e Viti. Au sega madaga ni cakacaka vakamatanitu. Vakavulici iko me rabailevu nomu kilaka qai mai veiba ena forum va qo. Sa dri yani.

  29. @ TheMax

    Better to be “academic” than no school at all.

    Frank & Co have been practising for the past five years and they are getting unbelievably good at spending tax money, taking out bad loans and generally fucking the economy.

  30. bench warrant, extradition application or what, mara staying in tonga and has revealed all secrets to the media so too late for voro who is finished, just look at the fallas stroke face in the photo

  31. The carping coup apologist lord haw haw has predictably come out and tried to put some spin on the latest international smack in the mouth for Bainimarama’s hated regime. This is the coup supporter whose facist blog so disgracefully endorsed ‘standing on the throats of Fijians’. His latest threat is equally as despicable where he says any opposition to the hated dictator’s regime “would be wiser to wait reforms planned for next year, and not further jeopardise their participation by speaking out now.’ Is the fool suggesting that in khaiyum’s and his hand puppets Bainimarama’s so called “new Fiji” only those who DO NOT SPEAK OUT AGAINST THIS DESPICABLE REGIME will be able to participate in khaiyum and gates model of ‘democracy’. In other words NO OPPOSITION ALLOWED??? Like the hated unelected illegal AG khaiyum, this carping coup apologist has lost all sense of decency and reality. When you look at the detritus left that are trying to prop up this fragementing human rights abusing regime it is easy to see why it has no chance of achieving anything except its own demise.

  32. It will become a bit more difficult every day to put the right spin on the regimes actions. But keep up your good work, Croz, we all appreciate a bit of entertainment and unbiased reporting.

    On a more serious note, we should all be aware that things could be moving very fast from here on. The embassies and regional organizations based in Suva have already alerted their staff, emergency procedures are being rehearsed and security has been increased. We should also prepare for more vicious attacks against regime critics and leaders of a potential up-rising. It would perhaps be a good time to contemplate a national “stay at home” day, totally peaceful but very very difficult to handle for Aiyaz and his monkey.

  33. Colonel G,

    You can stay at home if you like but Fiji MUST move forward with reforms in order to realise its true potential and the i-Taukei lifted out of their economic predicament.

  34. The Max
    Vutuki Fili W kei nomu link qori – sega ni dua na betena vei au.
    The facts are that the army and voreqe are economically unproductive entities spending hard earned tax dollars.
    There are no investments – these are the people who create tax.
    Dua na ka mo vakacalai Wadan – luveni ulukau o iko!
    Sa da oca saraga na vakamacala caiti bumu!

  35. @ TheMax

    “Fiji MUST move forward with reforms in order to realise its true potential and the i-Taukei lifted out of their economic predicament”

    Frank & Co put them there – all you sore sore apologists have lined up for the past 5 years making up all this bullshit about how great Frank and Ayarse were – reforms?! what reforms?!? They were always what they were: bald-faced lies.

    The reality never changed – the lies just got bigger and you and Jeke et al all ate it up and talked about how happy the 99.8% of everyone was.

    Now it is exposed for what it always was: greed and opportunism dressed up in the guise of political reform for the “good of the nation”. How hollow are those words now?

  36. @ jone Wai

    O iko na cava mo vosavosa ca wavoki taka tiko na tamata o sega ni kila. Io nio sa via vosa ca, mo sa na taura talega na vosa ena lako yani vei iko.

    Drau veicai kei tinamu koya sa sema tu nona qara mai muri kei liu ena levu ni kaba waqa e cakava wavoki tu koya a kunekune taki kina o iko. Caiti tamamu, ganemu, nomu bubu kei nomu tutu. Nodra sona sa ka lelevu ena levu ni nodratou veivutusona wavoki tiko ena loma ni nomudou vale.

    Raica nomu sona sa sivia na kena levu baleta sa lauvutu wavoki tu ga ena vei saqata.

    O kemuni na vosa tiko qo o ni bau kila nio Roko Ului e dua vei ira na lasama tiko na wati Waisele Serevi? Sa vakavuna tu qori na kavoro ni matavuvale nei Wai.

    Drau veicai kei Roko Ului. O ni totaka tiko qori e dua na tamata a dodonu ga me a kua ni sotia. Murimuri ni sotia dodonu me tukuni ga vei koya na coward.

  37. Sa vaka me sa ra qai veigaluvi na “Sakaraia” ni sa qai tukuni yani na ka dina mo ni kila, se vacava jone waiwai?

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