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Opening a can of worms. Taking Ratu Mara to court in Tonga.

By Peter Firkin

The Acting Chief Magistrate, Usaia Ratuvil this afternoon granted the COA for the extradition of Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara after being presented with  an affidavit to confirm  that Roko Ului is in Tonga after breaching his bail conditions.

Fiji and Tonga have an extradition treaty in place that requires the court in the respective countries to ascertain the facts of the case and detain the person charged until the case is settled.

 Bail is a category of detention but Fiji will argue that Ratu Mara has already breached a bail order.  With Ratu Mara staying with the Tongan King it is unlikely he will be refused immediate bail.

The reason he is not being extradited for his sedition charge, and merely for breaching bail, is an attempt to stop the extradition hearing in Tonga becoming a public platform for Ratu Mara to reveal all he knows.

 The lawyer representing the Fiji Government will argue that such information is irrelevant and not admissible in court.  He may succeed if the Tongan Judge rules within the strict limitations of the law. This will stop Ratu Mara from swearing under oath in front of the worlds media that the information he gives is correct.

However Ratu Mara should immediatly claim the Fiji Legal System is political and his charges are politically based. If Ratu Mara can show that the judicial system in Fiji is under Government control and his charges are political then the Tongan Court cannot allow extradition.

  He is rumored to have several packages of papers that may cause embarrassment to the Fiji regime.

A Tongan court ruling the Fijian judicial system is corrupt would also bring unwanted world headlines.

Maybe the Fijian Government was not wise with its  24 hour knee jerk reaction that may open a can of worms and give Ratu Mara a very  public platform for rallying support against his previous boss.

9 thoughts on “Opening a can of worms. Taking Ratu Mara to court in Tonga.

  1. Snowflake chance in hell of getting the Tongans to give up Ului – amazing part is Vore – Ratuvil & that idiot Pakistani actually believe that other people don’t realise their judicial system is tainted?

  2. Simple and straight forward. This regime is illegal as ruled by the court of appeal in 2009 and therefore cannot legally apply for leagal matters like extrdition or whatever. The court of Tonga must recognise this and reject its application on this basis. Its time to apply pressure now while the heat is on or else everything will fizzle out once again. The onus is on RU to come forward with all he have on the regime and then the rest will fall like dominoes.

  3. What else can you expect but knee jerk reactions from a buch of nimkompoops?

    Whilst Ului’s defection is good fro those of us that love Fiji, I believe it is too soon to get too euphoric about it all. Let us wait and see what he does in the next couple of weeks as he tries and win back some of the trust that he and his likes (fellow chiefs and commissioned officers) have abused and bastardized since 2006.

    His actions now will determine the level of punishment that the people of Fiji will decide when all is over. Those that are still supporting the regime but still undecided need to make a decision now!

    Tomorrow will be too late!

  4. Top legal advise states that there can be no legal removal of Ratu Mara from Tonga as he has defence and appeal process and invoking of international law option or even to move elsewhere, fiji illegal dictator is finished as Ratu Mara will reveal all in the media and now shows signs of cracks, confusion and revolt from the ranks for a mutiny that will happen anytime-time to support Ratu Mara with everything

  5. The dictator is running shit scared as the people of fiji will find out the truth about him and the junta and the evil they are in fact, and they lost the clean up campaign but fill their pockets instead and did the coup to save themselves from corruption, the truth must prevail and be told


  7. Tongans have taken Ratu R Mara from Fiji on orders of the king and Mara stays with the King and fiji dictator is filing papers in tongan courts to get Mara back and they have said yes do so and let the courts decide, the fact is no court in tonga will force Mara out and even if that happens then the King will grant Mara refugee status and Fiji can do nothing. Tongans basically have told the dictator to fark off by going inside Fiji and taking Mara out to tonga and let the mad dogs bark and also will help Mara topple the junta in Fiji.

  8. Whats Happening in Fiji is the Grog is running the Show!
    FOllowed by the cane Toads!
    Then The Fiji Army in that Order!
    Ratu Mara is the only one with Brains!

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