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Military Dictatorship in Fiji plans to make firearms and ammunition? Who will buy sufficient arms from Fiji to make a factory economic?

Fiji contemplates manufacturing firearms

Monday, June 27, 2011

Fiji is contemplating the establishment of a manufacturing plant for firearms and ammunition.

This futuristic plan was presented by Fiji Ministry of Defence Senior Officer Joji Washington at the Regional Consultation on Arms Trade Treaty in Bali, Indonesia earlier this month.

Washington told the consultation – the initiative would be subject to further consultation with relevant government stakeholders and non-government organisations.

He states with the Arms and Ammunition Act in place – it is envisaged that the Plant would be governed and regulated under the existing legal instruments.

But he says – government needs to review this in parallel to the requirements of the Arms Trade Treaty.

Washington adds – the Fiji Military Forces uses conventional weapons in peace-keeping operations.

Report by : Elenoa Osborne

13 thoughts on “Military Dictatorship in Fiji plans to make firearms and ammunition? Who will buy sufficient arms from Fiji to make a factory economic?

  1. So even though the infrustructure in Fiji is falling apart, Fiji will be spending huge amounts of money to establish a factory to manufacture firearms and ammunition. Wouldn’t it be better to spend the funds on maintaining the roads, providing the people with reliable and safe water, and addressing the problem of generating electricity from ever more expensive Diesel fuel?

    Even an elementary student of economics would know that if you spend more money on guns, there will be less to spend on butter.

  2. Brilliant idea and a good insurance against an arms embargo. If this is what Fiji’s economy needs is another question. But don’t worry, this will go the same way Frank’s promise of a Venezuela financed oil refinery supplied with crude from Venezuela went. Anyone remembers when he told us this nonsense?

  3. Joji – pity u were named after the first president of US,,,,,,land of the free.
    what a waste of the name ,,,,named after a nut who wants to make guns,,,,which is the cause of fiji’s problems now,,,,,,,,,drau veivutu kei voreqe wasigitoni boci toci!

  4. And this is the ‘new’ Fiji under the gun toting green goon thugs openly supported by people like Walsh, Davis, Richard Herr and Rodney Gates? Under the taliban controlled hand puppet we will have lots of guns and little butter. The increasing poor also have a lot to thank coup supporters Father Barr and the barking mad Yabaki for as well. No butter, let them eat guns? Well done coup supporting parasites.
    Fiji’s future under this terrorist criminal regime certainly looks very bleak indeed.

  5. The Colonel has the point – this hairbrained idea will just go the way that all the other “investment” stories that Frank & Co put out – remember the potato farms? The Ethanol plants?

    I wonder what else those morons will dream of next. I can think of a few for free: How about some submarines made out of chickenwire and bamboo? Or maybe a space station? You could just say you have a space station and then point to something in the sky: “See – there it is!” – Noone could argue any different (and they would go to jail for saying so anyway).

  6. This is another stupid attempt to draw the ire and concern of Oz and NZ n the free world. Kinda like the outrageous things that dictators do when they feel no one is bothered enough about- a bit of attention seeker.

  7. A more developed, richer, sophisticated and bigger country like NZ, with sizeable army, navy and airforce sees not need to manufacture its own arms.

    Fiji will be making arms for its tiny inept military, TO USE only for suppressing its own people.

    Govt cannot even maintain its water supplie to its citizens, pot holes on roads everywhere, cannot afford to maintain FNPF payment to retired workers…..and it wants to manufacture arms???

    They probably want more guns to use probe the backsides of people being interrogated up at QEB…..like they did to Sam Speight

  8. Who is this gusu ni poci Wasigitoni spouting idiocracies…masia la na dakai nei Voreqe me oti o lavana tale kina.

  9. If these guys think that the guns won’t end up in the fijian peoples hands they have got to be dreaming. I don’t think there is a single factory in Fiji where the goods don’t end up on the market in Fiji…might be a good thing though, then someone can shoot the idiot Vore and his master Aiyarse.

  10. here we go, the junta is going to use our hard earned pensioners money to make guns to shoot and kill civilians if need be; and o continue to ntimidate everyone!! Our money, their funny. Let’s say, get rid of this illegal govt; it’s destroying us all.
    Thumbs up for democracy!!

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